The Unique Life

stories about men from women point of point of view...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

UseLess Thoughts

I had a long flight, an almost 24-hour-trip, flying far away from Indonesia, to a land they call as HolyLand. But there in that land, I had dream of you. Positively I took it as a reminder to stop and ban all those useless thoughts that I have been having lately. Useless as in I shouldn’t have had those thoughts and there was absolutely nothing I could get from those thoughts. So, I considered that dream as a warning of letting go all the memories of you.


“Biasa sih. Ketika seorang wanita tidak benar-benar mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan, biasanya sih dia tuh jadi keinget ama masa lalunya dia yang dia let go gitu. Apalagi kaya lo gitu…masih live around your past. Pasti ga gampang lah!” (Dina – an ex-colleague whom I used to share a lot of stories with)

“Hahaha…udah gue bilang. Jangan sering-sering maen ke sana lagi. Pindah tempat latihan aja!” (Raydith – my complicated best-pal)

“Inget lho, Diva…hukum tabur tuai!” (the small voice inside my deepest heart)

I had just deleted all your photographs. Though I have never looked at them for a very long time already. I just think that it could be a very important first step to get rid of every memories of you. Do you think I should delete all your numbers from my mobile, too?
