The Unique Life

stories about men from women point of point of view...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Renungan di Suatu Malam Bolong


Aku termenung di pinggir jendela kamarku, memandang ke bawah. Malam ini adalah malam Minggu, saat semua mahkluk dengan pakain serba glamour dan seminim mungkin bergerilya ke tempat yang memiliki penerangan sesedikit mungkin dan dentuman bass musik sekeras mungkin. Dan aku di sini, termenung di depan jendela kamarku, merenungkan perjalanan hidupku selama ini.

Aku masih sendirian di sini setelah begitu banyak peristiwa romantis di dalam hidupku. Dari hubungan romantis ideal - aku dan kamu, hubungan romantis fantasi – aku, kamu, dia, ia dan dia, hubungan terlarang – aku dan kamu yang sudah memiliki dia, hubungan bolak balik – aku, kamu, dia, kamu, dia, aku. Tapi tetap aku masih sendirian sekarang, di sini.

Ia menelepon dan mengajakku pergi nonton. Aku bilang semua film sudah terekam dengan pasti di otakku. Dia menelepon dan mengajakku ke Puncak. Aku bilang Puncak pasti akan dipenuhi oleh semua orang Jakarta yang sedang mengalami depresi kehidupan kota metropolitan. Kamu menelepon dan mengajakku kembali menjalin hubungan. Aku tertegun dan begitu menginginkannya. Tetapi suatu kekuatan memaksaku untuk bilang bahwa hidup sudah sulit, tidak usah dipersulit lagi. Apa yang sudah ditinggalkan di belakang dan dianggap sampah tidah usah diambil kembali untuk menjadi hiasan. Akan terlalu besar usaha untuk melakukannya. Dengan mengatakan begitu, aku sudah menghancurkan hatimu, dan terlebih lagi hatiku sendiri.

Dan aku di sini, termenung sendiri di pinggir jendela kamarku. Melihat indahnya kota Jakarta di malam hari. Di sana ada seorang pria yang sedang menjalani detik-detik kehidupannya yang akan bertemu dengan detik kehidupanku suatu hari. Yang pasti bukan kamu, bukan dia dan bukan ia.

Friend of Foe?


Date : March 19, 2006

From :

To :

Subject : Confused

Dear Sis,

Where have you been? Miss you so much. You must have been real busy with your doctoral degree. I’ve tried to call to your mobile a couple of times, but I never got connected. Have you changed to a new number?

I miss you. I miss talking about my stuffs and my problems with you. I ain’t sure when you will be able to read my mail and reply it, but I will tell you some stories anyway. You know that I rent an apartment and stay with some friends. One of my friends, Lisa, fell for a guy whom she knew from one of our hang-out friends. When I finally got to know this guy too, he asked for my number and kept calling me religiously. Lisa said that’s ok, because there’s nothing that we can do about it. She can’t force the guys to like her, she said. Yes, she got a point. But I am very sure that deep down inside her heart, she felt defeated and hurted, because the guy she had a crush on, fell in love with her best friend.

I know that you will ask me : Do you like this guy? Yes, Sis, I like him so much. He is so cute and nice. But what should I do? Didn’t want to hurt Lisa’s feeling.

Hmmm…please read my mail soon, Sis and send me some advices. Need it desperately.



PS : Can you send me the Rose scent bathing foam that you bought in the night carnaval?

Date : March 23, 2006

From :

To :

Subject : Re : Confused

Diva darling,

You have always been this sweet little girl since we are kids. Dear…I know that this is so unfair for your friend, Lisa. But this is nobody’s fault. It’s not your fault, not Lisa’s and not even that guy’s fault! It just happened naturally, I suppose.

Tell you a story. I once got involved in this kinda romance too. But I was the “guy” in your story. I fell for my friend’s friend. And, believe me, things got real completed back then. My friend, Aden, who is like one of my nicest friend to hang out with, started to back off and gave me that weird look everytime I talk about his friend, Shane. Shane was always ackward when dating me. But it came to a time, after a 3-week-ackward period, the three of us finally came to a point : “This is romance. When it came to feeling so special inside your heart, you should fight for it, in a good way.”

Aden cares so much about me. Call this cliché, but he said that he would be happier to see me happy. I risk my friendship with Aden, Diva dear. But that’s only when I found out that Shane was that’s worth it. Although a year after, I broke with up because of some stupid football game on TV that he couldn’t give up. Hahaha……

I believe that you are such a smart girl (it’s in the blood, Sis! :D ). You can handle this! You sure know what to choose.

So, how’s your job back there? Heard from mom that you are pursuing jobs in entertainment field? How is it going? What have you done? Call me from home! Miss talking for hours with you!



Date : 29 March 2006

From :

To :

Subject : THE decision

Sis, I miss you so much. Do you plan to fly back to Jakarta this summer? There have been so many small and comfortable coffee shops open here in Jakarta. And the coffee’s are all fingers licking good (stealing tag lines ain’t piracy, right? Hehe….).

Anyways….about this bizarre love triangle that I have been involved in… I finally came to a decision. Refering to your romance case with Aden and Shane, Sis, this is more difficult. Since I’m living in an apartment with Lisa, I frequently caught her crying in her room late at night. Turns out that Lisa is not a tough girl at all in romance. Geez, Sis, I was crushed at that moment. What an evil I had been. I had never realized that she was that into Pete, the guy. And I hate myself for doing this.

Then finally, one day I met Pete and told him the story. I knew he was crushed. But there he smiled and hugged me close, as if he wanted to say that we will meet again in a much different situation and things are going to be better between us. I felt like a goal keeper who just lost a ball out of my hands. How much I want to be selfish and fight for the guy who might be my dream-man. But living with tears under the same ceiling, it’s a different story. Damn, I was hurted, Sis.

So nobody wins, Sis. But at least I can still be the sweet little girl that I have always been since we were kids, Sis. It’s not always a good thing, right, Sis? Hehe…. But heck, just hope that everybody will recognize that I have always been a friend, not a foe.

Love,….and please visit me back here….
